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Help Us ReLive

Dearest Prayer Warriors,

We are coming in front of you at this special time, in an effort to heal the people who so desperately need a Savior to believe in. The world is more than ever, in a crucial time of brokenness. With such advancements in communication and technology, we leave a world of struggle for a world of ease. Our Savior has never promised us a world without suffering or without pain. Our mission, while not to reverse the advancement of our existence, but to use it cautiously as a tool and not a crutch.

In our brokenness, we find solace to heal ourselves and others. We grow closer to God by relying on His strengths rather than our own.

Our Lord God has never wanted or intended for us to be the omnipotent navigators of our own lives. In community, in families, in friendships, and in partnership with love as the guiding force for all that we do, we seek to return the guiding force back to God in the very same way.

Love is kind and gentle, it is not boastful or conceited. It makes no account for wrongs or right. It seeks to mend and console the lost and weary. To humble ourselves to our brothers and sisters and move in a direction that puts our Heavenly Father as our reason to give thanks for it all.

Erik and I, Gina, have seen the devastations of what a non-Christfilled life can do when not attended to. Our children become enveloped by the shiny coins that the world offers. At the expense of not coming home to ourselves and seeking it outside of who we are, do we allow the world to win the most precious gifts we possess... our children and ultimately ourselves for allowing such tragedies to occur.

This ministry we seek to present to you is a tool to engage and to bring us home to ourselves and to do life together, as God intended. To have an app that shows the testimonies of what our Heavenly Savior has allowed to happen in individual lives, or to ask for prayers in times of greatest need, we hope to use technology to connect one another.

We can touch lives when in proximity, but our mission is to reach out to the world in a big way. To start prayer groups in communities that would have never been touched previously.

This is discipleship at its highest, with God at its core. We believe that with God, and for God, we are better together.

This app has features of ReThink, Rekindle, ReBuild, ReConnect, and much more to consider in the future. But ultimately, we decided and prayed on the mission, known as ReLive.

For we believe that "at such a time as this" we must move away from existing in the world, by just doing life as it comes and move towards a life worth living. By intentionally seeking out service and community we are seeking supporters or people to walk alongside us. Help raise funds and awareness in a big way to take this little place in Kelowna and spreading God's ministry as far, long, and wide, and as high to the Heavens as we can reach.

Help us ReLive.

For a link to a preview of the app and participate in the development of ReLive please drop us an email to

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