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Prayer Letter 2 - July 4, 2024 - v2

This is version 2 because the first version I only sent it out to one person rather than the whole prayer group, and I did that before I prayed about drafting a pray letter, which is kind of where my first version was heading.  Now that I have been on my prayer walk, God reminded me never to write a prayer letter before talking with Him about it. Thank you, Lord, for being gracious, and I'm glad I only sent the first version to Rupert. 😉


So since this is a prayer letter, I want to start with a few verses that highlight my call to Winnipeg.


Matthew 10:5-12

  1. These twelve Jesus sent out with the following instructions: “Do not go among the Gentiles or enter any town of the Samaritans.

  2. Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel.

  3. As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’

  4. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.

  5. “Do not get any gold or silver or copper to take with you in your belts—

  6. no bag for the journey or extra shirt or sandals or a staff, for the worker is worth his keep.

  7. Whatever town or village you enter, search there for some worthy person and stay at their house until you leave.

  8. As you enter the home, give it your greeting.


When I was trying to figure out do I listen to these verses and what God has put on my heart, and do I go? I let a friend in Winnipeg know of my struggle. Here are a few of the things Phil said in a text…


Now onto the most important thing, trusting God to provide. I've had a bit of experience with that and all I can say is that when HE has said "Trust Me", and I did he more than came through. He can make a faithful $100.00  $1,000.00 and more. HIS interest rate is not like the bank's. HIS interest is in us, not dollars. If God says "trust me and I will provide", then let go and let God! If you are unsure then do as scripture says, "test the spirits" (1John 4:1). From my experience God has ALWAYS proved His word true when I trusted Him.
That being said if you chose to come out we have a place for you and your rig.


And then he went on to say…


I know that a lot of pastors and church people like to quote 2Tim.2:13 [(NASB) If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself.], but it is so true. Even out of context it is true. We may not always be a faithful follower but He is always a faithful God and faithful in His word. I just need remember that more often.


So Phil answered the call to Matt 10:12 and I went. These are the verses I left Kelowna with. I took the money that was to pay my bills the following week, knowing that when I got to Winnipeg, I would only have enough for another tank of gas. Yet, in the rest of Matthew 10:5-12, I hear God saying, "don’t chase a job. You could have chased a job in Kelowna. You need to chase Me, and I will provide." Yet, I still don’t know what that means because I don’t have a job, a church, or a clear understanding of my ElaNaDeis ministry yet. Yesterday, I dropped in at the concrete construction company I worked with 5 years ago, but they didn’t remember me. That might be for the best, as those were 10-14 hour days, 7 days a week – I just worked 5. I'm concerned that such a job would drain my strength, preventing me from fulfilling the ministry God has called me to.


Yet, I remain hopeful. Since arriving, another friend helped pay my bills, another paid for gas, and Phil and Della have been so gracious with their home.


Since I have been here, I have also seen God move in such amazing ways.  Last night, I attended Believer’s Church, an independent church based on Acts. It felt like the church I attended in Ethiopia, where God’s spirit filled the space. As I was there, this city started to feel like my Ethiopia. Everywhere I go, God is moving. It is so easy to speak life into people. People are so hungry for God’s touch! One gentleman I met last night asked me two questions: "Are you a prayer warrior?" Not "How are you?" but "Are you a prayer warrior?" I said I am, and we prayed for some difficult heart issues for both of us. His second question was, "Do you do street ministry?" I told him I had just gone out with Church of the Rock North End campus to do street ministry. So, we are going to get together and see about painting that picture.


I covet your prayers for wisdom and financial support to understand my call. Whether it is to simply find a church and be open to God’s leadership, launch Ela Na Deis as a real ministry, or use the principles of Ela Na Deis (Come and See) with local churches. The other night, doing street ministry with a "come and see" mindset felt so natural, and people became at ease quickly.


Thank you,


Erik Lindquist

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Jul 12

I still thought about one question: who will be attracted by this website? What I learned is that it was a calling verse from John 1:43-51; there was the same purpose for both the Lord and Nathanael, Nathanael was seeking the kingdom of God, and the Lord was coming to call him to become a disciple. Thus, what is the real ministry of this website? Let's see what He will do...but we know that in all things He works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. God Blessing!

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