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God Math

🤔 I started Saturday with $10 left to my name made up of two $5 bills.

Gave it to my new African friend who had fled from Chad and had nothing.

He kept one $5 and gave the other to a friend also from Chad. It was both beautiful and heartbreaking because I knew all of them had nothing, and yet this man was giving 50% of what he had just been given to a friend.

Later that day I borrowed $50 for gas from my son. He wanted to know when he was going to get it back.  I said when I get paid.

Then that evening after a prayer service a friend texted me and said he would provide Ela Na Deis with $600 once I got my charitable status, and that he could give me $200 cash that night.

The next day, Sunday, I went to Church of the Rock and then I was heading to Believers Church for my second service and I felt God call me to Anchor Point to support a friend who was preaching. After the service my friend expressed a need for support to buy a plane ticket for a conference. So as I went back to the truck I grabbed the money I received the previous night and gave my friend 20%. See notes below.

Then the next day, Monday, I had a meeting with a a friend who said God called him to make a funding challenge. He would put up to $2000 per month for the next two months on a matching basis. By Tuesdayevening God had already found the two supporters to match the $4000. So less than four days after giving my last $10 away, I have $8000 in pledges waiting for Ela Na Deis to be able to provide my supporters with a charitable receipt and process their support.

Ephesians 3:20 Math

The impact of God Math

Assuming I invested $10 Saturday morning and had the $8000 Tuesday evening or 3.5 day term. Using a calculator:

🧐 So, the compound daily growth rate is approximately 530.9%

I would say God’s investment is a lot better than any other investments I have ever made!

Fine Print

Actual rates of return may vary. Divine interest rates are influenced by the generosity of your heart, the kindness of your actions, the posture of your spirit, and the humility of your soul. Consult your Lord Jesus for more details. Your results with divine investments may vary. Remember, heavenly returns are not CDIC or FDIC insured!

Note: I have a commitment with God that I will not use any new money for myself until the first 20% is used for ministry and given back to God. So before, I used any of the $200 I needed to give the first $40 to God.  In another post I will explore why I have chosen to do that, but it all comes from a  posture of generosity and having an open hand with the things God gives.  What is amazing is when I choose not to do that I can feel my hand closing and the joy in my heart subsiding as my posture turns back to self and I can feel God’s blessings slowing down.

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