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Embracing God’s Strength in Life's Battles: Reflections on Faith and Resilience

Have you ever wondered how to embrace God’s strength as your own, especially when life throws curveballs at you? This thought-provoking question from Pastor Steven Furtick got me pondering: “How can I embrace God’s strength as the source of my strength, if I don’t embrace God’s standards as my own?”

Reflecting on this, I realized we often face moments that test our faith. When life recently turned upside down for me – a delayed contract, a leaking roof, a broken fridge, and spoiled food – I found myself succumbing to worry, fear, and anger. In these moments, are we surrendering to anxiety, doubt, or hopelessness?

Sometimes we find ourselves caught in a whirlwind of emotions. Recently, I panicked when my roof started leaking, my fridge broke down, and an important contract signing was delayed, causing me to lose valuable food and face financial uncertainty. These events made me question: in worry, have I surrendered to anxiety? In fear, have I given in to doubt?

Amidst these emotions, Isaiah 28:6 provides a powerful reminder: “A spirit of justice for him who sits in judgment [administering the law], A strength to those who drive back the battle at the gate.” This verse reassures us that we don’t have to surrender to our overwhelming feelings.

Faced with two paths – letting fear and frustration take over, or confidently trusting in God – this afternoon I chose to lean on my faith. I prayed, thanking God for His provision, despite not seeing immediate solutions. This act of faith, more than the words themselves, brought me peace, reassuring me that the issues with the roof and fridge would eventually be resolved.

Isaiah 28:6 speaks to the heart of our battles, urging us to turn our fights back to God. It’s about claiming God’s justice and His promises. By knowing and claiming these promises, we gain the strength to face our challenges.

In such times I find the following verses remind me that in every challenge, turning the battle over to God is key to experiencing His strength and victory.

1. Philippians 4:4-7: Praise brings peace in times of anxiety.

2. Jeremiah 29:11: God's plans for

hope and future.

3. Psalm 46:1: God as refuge and strength.

4. 1 Peter 5:7: Casting all cares on God.

5. Isaiah 41:10: Fear not, God's supportive presence.

6. Matthew 6:33-34: Seek God first, don't worry.

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Unknown member
Jun 23

It was a good experience. Thank you! Let me remember a story from Davide who faced big trouble and was super distressed since his people wanted to kill him ( 1 Samuel 30:1-6). Of course, this situation is appalling. What I find fascinating in this story is that David first strengthened himself in the Lord and then asked the Lord how to do so. However, his rival, King Saul who was going through his own struggles on the battlefield, had a totally different approach to problems (1 Samuel 18).

Throughout my life, I’ve realized that when I face difficult situations, I often panic and get overly desperate and impatient to get answers right away. When I do that, I lose…

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