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Diving Deeper With God

Hey friends, stumbled upon a meme that hit different. It basically said, if you're looking to really dive deep with God, just three words can change the game: 'God, humble me.' 🙌

Got me thinking about that part in 1 Peter 5:6-7 where it's all about humbling ourselves under God's mighty hand, so He can do His thing and lift us up at just the right time. Plus, throwing our anxieties His way because He genuinely cares.

Isn't asking God to humble us kinda the heart of this message? It's like actively signing up for His masterclass on trust and surrender, ready to let go of the reins and let Him lead. It's not just about facing our fears but really embracing that He's in control and cares more than we can fathom.

In “Triumphing Over Chaos: Trusting God through Joy in Every Season”, Paul's message in Philippians 4:4-8 is clear: 'Rejoice in the Lord always.' He's not just making a suggestion; he's giving us a key to unlocking a life of trust. When stress, sadness, or weakness weigh us down, Paul encourages us, 'Put that aside, even if just for a moment, and praise God.' This isn't just about praising God; it's about building trust. As we start to rejoice in Him, despite our struggles, we naturally draw closer to Him, and that's where the transformation begins. We get filled with His grace, love, and mercy, and it shows in our actions, like the gentleness Paul talks about. Or here in 1 Peter 5:6-7 the root of that gentleness, is clearly humility.

God has such a simple formula, focus on Him first, put others needs ahead of our own and God will take care of our anxiety, our cares, our needs. Yet how hard we struggle to stay in control, and yet all that struggle could be resolved in a three word prayer, “God humble me”.

What’s your take? Ever hit a moment where you just said, 'God, humble me' and saw where it led? Let's chat about those leap-of-faith moments and how they've transformed us." I am in one right now, and looking forward to God’s leading and provision, and I am looking forward to hearing more about your AHA moments with God.

𝘽𝙞𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝙑𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙚𝙨

Philippians 4:4-8

1 Peter 5:6-7

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