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Dear Friends and Supporters,

I am thrilled to share with you the vision and mission of Nehemiah Holdings, a faith-based initiative aimed at rebuilding the broken walls of people’s lives, families, and communities through the transformative power of Jesus Christ.

Two months ago, God told me I was going to Winnipeg to be an extension of His hands, His feet, and His heart to His people. He sent me with Matthew 10:5-13. When I arrived, God instructed me to start the ministry He gave me 7 months ago called Ela Na Deis, which means “come and see” in Greek, in a tense that conveys firsthand experience. God also revealed that the people of this city have an insatiable hunger for His touch; all they need is an invitation to come and see what Jesus can do for them. When Jesus rewrites a person’s story, they are passionate about sharing it with others.

As I pondered how to reach all of Winnipeg, regardless of social, economic, or ethnic status, Nehemiah Holdings came to mind. Nehemiah’s story resonated with me as a man who was intentional in everything. However, our goal is not to rebuild the walls of Winnipeg, but to rebuild lives, families, and communities in the name of Jesus. The churches of Winnipeg will not be able to contain the harvest.

Our journey begins with the refugee population in Winnipeg, leveraging existing community services to create an efficient and effective support system that addresses immediate needs and fosters long-term transformation. By establishing NewCos—new companies tailored to the skills and needs of refugees in high-demand, low-cost industries—we aim to provide sustainable employment opportunities, ensuring fast growth and maximizing speed to market. This strategy will enable us to build a strong foundation for personal and community growth.

Our Vision

The vision of Nehemiah Holdings is to create long-term relationships with all individuals and organizations we engage with. Every touchpoint is an opportunity to invite people to “come and see what Jesus can do in their lives.” This includes refugees, partners (GOs, NPOs, NGOs, businesses, and churches), suppliers, clients, and their customers. Our goal is to identify needs, and invite people to “come and see Jesus meet those needs.” Then watch with expectation as Jesus rewrites their stories.

Our Mission

The mission of Nehemiah Holdings is to create meaningful, intentional opportunities to invite people to come and see what Jesus can do, at every step of the way. Each NewCo we establish will reach more people—other business owners, partners, suppliers, homeowners, and clients’ customers—turning every engagement into an opportunity to say, “Come and see!

Call to Action

As we embark on this transformative journey, we invite you to come alongside us in the following ways:

  1. Prayer Support: Your prayers are invaluable. Pray for guidance, wisdom, and strength as we establish and grow Nehemiah Holdings. Pray for the refugees we serve, that they may experience God’s love and provision. Pray for the clients, customers, partners, and suppliers we will be working with, that God will create intentional opportunities to say, “Come and see what Jesus can do.”

  2. Financial Support: Consider supporting us financially. Your contributions will help us build NewCos, provide training and resources, and ensure the sustainability of our initiatives. We are committed to tithing 10% of the first of all we receive to God and giving an additional 10% of the first of all we receive as a thank offering.

  3. Partnerships: If you have resources, services, or expertise that could benefit our ministry, we would love to partner with you. Together, we can maximize our impact and transform more lives.

Share Our Vision


We also kindly ask you to share this post with your friends, family, and anyone who may have a heart for this ministry. By spreading the word, you can help us reach more people and make a greater impact in rebuilding lives, families, and communities through the power of Jesus Christ.

How to Get Involved

If you feel called to support Nehemiah Holdings in any way, please reach out to us directly at or leave a comment below. Let’s come together to rebuild lives, families, and communities through the power of Jesus Christ.

Thank you for your prayers, support, and partnership. Together, we can make a lasting difference.


Erik Lindquist

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